Breaking News, US News, World News and Video is a one of the fastest growing online news website founded by group of news and information enthusiasts who do not give up, despite the crisis, despite the pressures of power, despite the lack of credibility of the press. World News believe in journalism, in spite of everything.
At we believe that society needs independent and professional information with social values. We want to give voice to so many citizens who drown in front of a monochrome and asphyxiating information offer.
Our editorial line is transparent and we share it with you. On this page you have the list of our editorial priorities. We monitor the power to protect the freedom and sustainable progress of society. We defend human rights, equality and a better democracy. Of course, all our values are subject to a fundamental one for journalism: that of respect for the truth.
In we are convinced that the main outstanding innovation of journalism is to reconnect with society, to be part of it and not part of the power that should be monitored.
Therefore, a fundamental part of our financing depends on the readers: the partners of pay to defend the independence of this medium, so that no one can threaten us and so that our news has a real impact. They do not pay to read the information, they pay for the information to be disseminated. If you are interested, you have more information here.
In addition, is a melting pot for civil society and other free journalism projects, with which we collaborate to join forces.